Vehicle owners in California have to carry proof of insurance to register their vehicles. If you are involved in a car accident, the insurance will surely back you up financially. In this article, you will learn why auto insurance is such a big deal in California and the minimum requirement for liability auto insurance coverage. You will also learn about penalties for driving without valid insurance in California.
California is a NO Fault car insurance state – what does it mean?
California has a “fault” system to determine who is responsible for auto accidents. Therefore, drivers are liable for the costs associated with any accidents they cause. Of course, this is precisely what auto insurance is for from a practical perspective. When it comes to filing an insurance claim or legal action against the party responsible for the collision, those who have been hurt in an accident have very few limitations on their options. Therefore, make a wise decision by choosing the best auto insurance Bakersfield and stay protected from financial risks after you get involved in a car accident.
Know your claim options after a car accident in California
If you have been hurt while operating a vehicle, riding in a passenger vehicle, or walking on the street, you are generally free to pursue one or more of the following legal options to seek compensation for your losses (also known as “damages”), which may include medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and “pain and suffering”:
- submit a claim with your personal car insurance Fresno policy (if you have the right coverage)
- the at-fault driver’s liability insurance policy to pursue a third-party claim, or
- a personal injury case should be brought against the negligent driver.
However, California drivers do not have to worry about no-fault, whereas a driver who has been hurt in an accident typically does not have this same range of options.
What is the lowest car insurance requirement in California?
Most vehicle owners decide to obtain liability insurance coverage in order to adhere to California’s “financial responsibility” rules. State law sets down the minimum amount that drivers are required to carry. If you cause an automobile accident, the best auto insurance Bakersfield is supposed to pay other drivers, passengers, or pedestrians who sustain property damage and/or personal injuries (or caused by anyone covered under your liability policy).
According to California law, the following liability coverage minimums are needed:
- $15,000 for each person who is hurt or killed in an accident you cause (including any additional drivers, passengers, pedestrians, etc).
- $5,000 for property damage caused by an accident you cause, and $30,000 for injuries or fatalities to many people.
However, these requirements are only needed in California; it does not apply to all states in the USA. If you want to stay safe and believe some extra coverage will do better then buy the best auto insurance Bakersfield. It will most definitely back you up financially from a serious car accident resulting in severe injuries and car damage. Do not forget the policy limits because once you exceed the limit you are on the financial hook.