10 GB File Transfer Over the Internet is Easy

10 gb file transfer

10 GB File Transfer Over the Internet is Easy


Are you struggling to figure out what is the best way to send large files over the internet? You are already familiar with Gmail and Yahoo but the problem is size limitations. Do not worry because there are some applications available on the internet that can be used to send large files without hitting the error bottom. It is frustrating if you find the error message again and again now you do not have to rely on email to send large files. Here are some ways to transfer large files over the internet. 

Store files online

It is by far the easier solution, you can upload the files on the cloud storage service and upon finishing an upload, and you will get a share link. The link can be shared with the person you want to give access to those files; the person on the other end can use the link to download the files. Free cloud storage services allow 10 GB file transfer but you have to pay for the storage and number of uploads. The box is free tier but gives you 10 GB storage space, Dropbox’s free version gives you 2 GB, Google Drive 15GB, and iCloud 5 GB. However, upgrading these plans can cost you so better look for free services if you are not willing to invest.


As mentioned earlier, Gmail is a great way to send files as an attachment but Google Drive does the process. You can walk through the procedure by creating a new email id for Gmail and then attaching the file you need to transfer. If the file is too big then Google will create a link in Google Drive. By using this technique and application, you can large files but 10 GB file transfer free is questionable. You can request the recipient to access the file and by default, the file is available for viewing. Go to the allow the option and change it to review or edit for the recipient, now the person can use the link to download the file. If the person has a paid plan then he or she can upload 750GB every day so 10 GB file transfer is not a big deal.

Yahoo mail

By using Yahoo mail, you can perform the aforementioned things. But some people believe it is not the best user-friendly application. If you try to send large files through Yahoo, an alert will pop up telling you to store the file in either Google Drive or Dropbox. Choose the best option if you want 10 GB file transfer free with ease.


As you can see, there are so many options available if you want to send large files over the internet. Since most of them require a monthly subscription so you are looking out for something that is free yet provides services very similar to theirs. Your search has finally ended because sendbig.com is a website that can be used for 10GB file transfer free of cost. Meanwhile, you get 30 GB free storage space if you become a PRO member. You can also use the resumable upload option to start or stop the ongoing upload whenever you want.

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